What’s Happening at CWB:
Note: Please forgive our appearance as we a transition to a new CRM and Payment Processor. End of year gifts can be made here. Many of our program registration links may not be functioning at this time though. Please email the appropriate department with any questions or inquiries. General questions can be sent to info@cwb.org and will be directed to the appropriate person. Thank you for your patience and support!
Current Hours:
Wednesday - Friday 12:00pm-7:00pm | Last Boat Out @ 5:30pm.
Saturday - Sunday 10:00am-6:00pm | Last Boat Out @ 4:30pm.
We are seeking artists for our 2025 exhibit! Click here to learn more.
Sailing and Boating:
The April 5 sessions of SailNOW! and Basic Keelboat are open for registration!
Sailing Refresher Clinic is April 20!
Capri 22 Clinic: get Introduced to our new Capri 22s with an instructor. Successful completion of the clinic will allow you to rent these boats. Click HERE for more details.
Public Peapod Program are temporarily available by walk up only, first come first served, free boat rental is not guaranteed.
Youth Programs
Registration is now open for all Youth Programs Spring and Summer are now open.
Check out our new Youth Race Team registration!
NEW * From our friends of the Schooner Zodiac:
April 11-13 - High School Spring Break Sailing Experience on board the Schooner Zodiac!
High school sailors! Join the Schooner Zodiac for a spring break you’ll never forget! Spend your days making new friends while learning to navigate, steer, and sail a 160' tall ship. Once the anchor is down in the evening, break out the kayaks,sailing dinghy, or go hiking ashore in the San Juan Islands, then settle down fora game of cards before bed. Open to high school students ages 13-18.
For more information, visit https://schoonerzodiac.com/high-school-spring-break-sailing-experience/
Woodworking and Boatbuilding:
2025 woodworking classes are now open for registration! Click here to learn more
Follow us online @centerforwoodenboats!